Facial Puffiness

You wake up in the morning and glance in the mirror to realize that your face, eyelids, or lips, are puffier than usual. Bags under your eyes? Chubby cheeks? Panda eyes? The cause for all the facial puffiness might just be fluid retention. Puffy face usually mean excess fluid has collected there.

Did you drink one too many glasses of wine the night before or overdid it snacking on savoury treats?  Is it dehydration, sunburn, menstruation, stress, crying, smoking, allergic reaction from sleeping with your make-up on or little sleep the night before? Facial puffiness is also known as facial swelling, bloating or oedema.1,4,5

For some people, swelling occurs gradually and over the course of a few hours and for others, it can happen quickly and in a matter of minutes. Facial puffiness is frequently worse in the morning upon arising because you sleep with your head face down, allowing gravity to pull fluid down into facial tissues. Puffiness in the face usually subsides by midday, simply by raising our heads, and allowing the fluid to drain with the assistance of gravity.

What are the different types of facial puffiness?

Temporary Puffiness2

Temporary puffiness may be transient or triggered by occasional events and is due to excess fluid retention. This puffiness often occurs after crying, sleeping, travelling, getting up early, taking a hot shower, sunburn or eating salty foods and usually subsides within 1 or 2 days. Temporary puffiness is nothing serious, but it may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, especially if you are to go out in public, and attend an important meeting or have a big event.

Chronic Puffiness2

Chronic puffiness tends to last longer than 24 hours and may not necessarily go away on its own. This is typically associated with allergies, ageing process or genetics or underlying health issues like thyroid, kidney or liver disease, hormonal imbalance, obesity, dental and facial or infection. If your puffiness persists for more than 2 days, it is important to visit your qualified medical practitioner for professional evaluation, advice, and treatment options.2 

Seasonal Puffiness2

This is caused by seasonal triggers such as weather changes or allergies (hay fever or pet allergies). Symptoms of seasonal puffiness can include redness, hives, wheezing, itching and watery eyes and runny or stuffy nose. However, if puffiness is accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, itching, hives, wheezing or pain, it’s important to seek professional or medical help immediately.2    

Nativa Complex® Water Flow is a multi-ingredient supplement targeted at relieving symptoms of occasional fluid retention, water-weight, bloating and maintain a normal fluid balance in the body.


  1. Madeline Knott and Jon Johnson (26 April 2023). Medical News Today: What causes a puffy face in the morning? Accessed 13 December 2023 Available from: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/puffy-face-in-the-morning
  2. Nikon Lens Wear (8 February 2023). What is eye puffiness and how to get rid of it? Accessed 13 December 2023. Available from: https://www.nikonlenswear.com/in/expert-advice/what-is-eye-puffiness-and-how-to-get-rid-of-it/
  3. Body & Soul (10 January 2021). Puffy face? It might just be fluid retention Accessed on 13 December 2023 Available at https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/beauty/puffy-face-it-might-just-be-fluid-retention/news-story/
  4. Leisa Bailey (November 2023). Family Doctor: Oedema. Accessed 13 December 2023 Available from: https://familydoctor.org/condition/edema/
  5. Sruthi M and Shaziya Allarakha, (9 August 2022). Medicine Net: 11 Foods to Avoid for Reducing Facial Bloating: Plus Morning Remedies. Accessed 13 December 2023 Available from: https://www.medicinenet.com/11_foods_to_avoid_for_reducing_facial_bloating/article.htm
  6. WebMD: Common Vitamins and Supplements to treat water retention. Accessed 13 December 2023 Available from: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/condition-1992/water+retention

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