Introduction: This Manual has been prepared in accordance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act, No. 2 of 2000 (“PAIA”) and provides information on how to request access to information held by Nativa Complex. PAIA is aimed at promoting transparency, accountability, and the effective exercise of the right to access information.

  1. Contact Information:

Information Officer: [Name] [Position] [Contact Information]

Deputy Information Officer: [Name] [Position] [Contact Information]

  1. Section 51 Manual:

This manual is published in terms of Section 51 of PAIA and is available for inspection at the offices of Nativa Complex. Additionally, the manual can be accessed on our website at [insert link to the manual on the website].

  1. Categories of Records Held:

Nativa Complex holds records in the following categories:

  • Customer Information: Details provided by customers for the purpose of purchasing products.
  • Employee Records: Information related to current and former employees.
  • Financial Records: Records related to financial transactions.
  • Marketing and Communication Records: Information related to marketing and communications activities.
  1. Access to Information Requests:

Requests for access to information must be submitted in writing on the prescribed form to the Information Officer. The request form is available on our website or can be obtained from our offices.

  1. Prescribed Fees:

A request fee may be applicable in terms of PAIA. The fee structure is available on our website and may be subject to change.

  1. Availability of the Manual:

This PAIA Manual is available for inspection at our offices during normal business hours. Additionally, it can be accessed on our website at [insert link to the manual on the website].

  1. Request Procedure:
  1. Complete the prescribed request form available on our website or at our offices.
  2. Submit the request form to the Information Officer.
  3. Pay the applicable request fee (if applicable).
  4. The Information Officer will respond to the request within the timeframes stipulated by PAIA.
  1. Review Procedure:

If a request for information is denied, the requester may lodge an internal appeal within 30 days of receiving the denial. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Deputy Information Officer.

  1. Contact Information:

For any inquiries or assistance regarding the PAIA Manual or access to information requests, please contact:

[Information Officer’s Name] [Position] [Contact Information]

[Deputy Information Officer’s Name] [Position] [Contact Information]

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