

Have you been stressed out for a while, and you are struggling to cope? Are you feeling exhausted, drained, trapped, & burnt out from stress?

Stress is the response your body and mind have to demands placed on them and how you interpret these demands. Stress can force us to prioritise our tasks in a way that allows us to begin to tackle the most important work first, however when we experience stress for an extended period of time without being able to alter it, we can begin to feel empty, numb, struggle with motivation and feel hopeless and beyond caring. Burnout is a state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

If you are burnt out you may suffer from a lack of energy, motivation or passion and feel like things will never get better. Stress and burnout can affect you when you are raising a child, at your job, if you have an ill family member, due to financial pressure or if you are experiencing marital problems. In the face of day-to-day, constant stressors of anxiousness with no end in sight, you may start to feel the helplessness and hopeless that being burned out can bring.

Remember there is light at the end of the tunnel. To help you get back on track it’s a good idea to look at some selfcare areas that you can put in place to start coping well again and prevent burnout.

Stress and Burnout Management Tips:

  • Make an honest assessment of how you became burnout in the first place
  • Put together a comprehensive self-care plan
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Have a good work-life balance so you can be productive and have some downtime
  • Get rid of unfinished business
  • Plan some leisure time to do what you really want to do
  • Set aside some quiet personal time each day to unwind and get the rest your body and mind need to recharge
  • Ask for help and delegate some of your tasks
  • Take Nativa Complex® Stress and Burnout Stress which can help boost your stress coping ability, support burnout recovery and combat fatigue1 Learn more


Ciampi RC [Internet]. Stress and Burnout. [Updated 2019 Dec 6; Cited 2024 May 13]. Psychology Today. Available from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/blog/when-call-therapist/201912/stress-and-burnout


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Stress & Burnout

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